
December 6th, 2022

The Vice-President of AFNU, Emmanuel DECAUX and the Secretary General, Richard NARICH met Roderick CRUZ, President of the United Nations Association of Philippines, passing through Paris, for an exchange of views on topics of common interest including the WFUNA.

November 18th, 2022

The Secretary General of AFNU, Richard NARICH and the President of the United Nations Association of Singapore, met on Friday November 18th, 2022 and discussed the experiences of the two associations and avenues for cooperation.

December 7th, 2021

The Secretary General, Richard NARICH and Professor Emmanuel DECAUX, Vice-President of AFNU met on December 7th Ambassador Katalyna BOGYAY, new President of the Hungarian Association for the United Nations during her visit to Paris . This meeting made it possible to exchange the experiences of the two associations and to identify prospects for collaboration.

September 6th, 2021

The Secretary General, Richard NARICH and Ms. Claire BRISSET, Vice-President of AFNU received Mr. Marc LASSAOUI, representative of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA ) to the European Union, on the occasion of his tour of European capitals following his new appointment. This meeting allowed him to share his concerns about UNRWA (funding, etc.). Mr. NARICH and Mrs. Claire BRISSET for their part suggested some avenues and contacts intended to facilitate his work in France. A conference with UNRWA is planned for 2022.



April 26th, 2019

Richard Narich, Secretary General of AFNU, received on April 26th, 2019, in Paris, at his request, Mr. Royan Dayaratne, member of the Executive Committee and Deputy Secretary General of the Sri Lankan Association for the United Nations. This visit allowed a first contact between AFNU and its Sri Lankan counterpart with the hope of developing their relations in the coming months.

March 20th, 2018

AFNU Secretary General, Richard Narich, accompanied by Ambassador G. Chouraqui, met on March 20th, Ms. Zhang Dan, Vice-President and General Manager of UNA – China during a trip in Paris.
This meeting gave rise to a respective presentation of the two associations and made it possible to examine the possibilities of future cooperation.