Mission and Ambition
The following four missions constitute the pillars of AFNU’s activities over the next few years:
Claire Brisset
ancienne Directrice de l’information à l’UNICEF, ancienne Défenseure des enfants et Inspectrice générale honoraire de l’Éducation nationale
Emmanuel Decaux
Professeur émérite de l’Université Paris II, Président de la Fondation René Cassin
Jean-Maurice Ripert
Ambassadeur de France, ancien Représentant permanent de la France auprès du Conseil de Sécurité, ancien Secrétaire Général Adjoint des Nations Unies
Delphine Allès
Professeure des universités en Science politique – Relations internationales à l’INALCO
Geneviève Bastid Burdeau Professeur émérite émérite à l’Ecole de Droit de la Sorbonne (Université Paris I)
Jean-Christian Cady
Ancien Préfet et
Sous-Secrétaire général de l’ONU
François Clemenceau
Rédacteur en chef au Journal du Dimanche
Sandra Coulibaly Leroy Chargée de mission Transversalité – Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF)
Yves Doutriaux
Conseiller d’Etat, ancien Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent de la France auprès de l’OSCE et Représentant permanent adjoint auprès de l’ONU
Pierre Henri Guignard
Ambassadeur, Envoyé spécial de la France pour l’Alliance pour la préservation des forêts tropicales
Bruno Julien-Laferrière
Président du Directoire de la Banque Transatlantique
Alain Le Roy
Ambassadeur de France, ancien Secrétaire Général adjoint de l’ONU chargé des opérations de maintien de la paix
Général Thierry Lion
ancien Chef de la Mission militaire de la France auprès des Nations Unies à New York, ancien commandant en second de la MONUSCO
Alexandra Novosseloff
Chercheure-associée au Centre Thucydide de l’Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas
Frédéric Ramel
Professeur des universités en science politique à Sciences Po Paris et chercheur au CERI
Stéphanie Roger
Administratrice déléguée – Mutualité Générale de l’Éducation nationale (MGEN)
Anne Tezenas du Montcel
Déléguée générale de la Conférence des écoles de journalisme
Jérémy Mercier
Délégué, chargé du développement
Léa Fournier
Communication et Partenariats
United Nations Environment Programme (Science Policy Business Forum) – UNEP/SPBF
The Science Policy Business Forum of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is particularly interested in promoting, within the United Nations system, the links between the scientific world, public actors, civil society and companies, around the major global challenges of environmental protection
Our partnership with UNEP, as implementing partner, aims to support the efforts of this program to accompany companies and start-ups towards sustainable development, environmental protection, biodiversity and green technologies, as well as the search for public or private partners likely to support these actions. It contributes to strengthening the participation of civil society and the scientific world around such issues.
CERI (Centre de recherches Internationales)
CERI is a joint research center of Sciences Po and the CNRS. It is dedicated to the study of world space through a dual approach: regional areas and international and transnational relations.
Our partnership with CERI is based on two events: 1/ annual cycles of “Feedback” conferences, allowing a number of personalities from international organizations or others to share their thoughts or professional experience ; 2/ annual research award (PhD or master), the Prix Léon Bourgeois, in cooperation with the GRAM and the Kofi Annan Foundation.
Centre Thucydide – Analyse et recherche en
relations internationales
The Centre Thucydide of the University Paris II Panthéon-Assas is mainly interested in international peace and security in its various dimensions.
Our partnership with the Centre Thucydide is based on an annual cycle of conferences “Paroles de diplomates” (Diplomats’ Words) whose objective is to provide reflections on the diplomatic profession and international action.
Groupe de recherches sur l’action multilatérale (GRAM)
The Multilateral Action Research Group (GRAM) is a structure accredited and financed by the CNRS. It is hosted by CERI and composed of ten partners (CASE at INALCO, Centre Emile Durkheim at Sciences Po Bordeaux, Centre Michel de L’Hospital at the University of Clermont Auvergne, CERAPS at the University of Lille 2, CRDT at the University of Reims Champagne Ardenne, CRESPPA at the University of Paris 8, IREDIES at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, LaSSP at the University of Toulouse, PACTE at the University of Grenoble, and Spring at the University of Paris Saclay).
Our partnership with the GRAM includes an annual research award (doctoral dissertation and master’s thesis), the Prix Léon Bourgeois, for work on issues related to the United Nations and international relations, in cooperation with the Kofi Annan Foundation.
Kofi Annan Foundation
The Kofi Annan Foundation aims to promote better global governance and build the capacity of people and countries to achieve a more just and secure world. To achieve this mission, the Kofi Annan Foundation has developed programs and partnerships in sustainable development and peace and security.
Our partnership with the Kofi Annan Foundation includes an annual research award (doctoral dissertation and master’s thesis), the Prix Léon Bourgeois, for work on issues related to the United Nations and international relations, in cooperation with the Multilateral Action Research Group (GRAM).
AFNU finds its origin from the creation of the French Association for the League of Nations (AFSDN) on November 10, 1918. Léon Bourgeois was the first President of the Association, Senator, twelve times Minister and President of Council under the third Republic.
After the failure of the League of Nations, the tragedies of WWII, and the foundation of the United Nations on October 1945, AFSDN became the French Association for the United Nations (AFNU). Our Association’s origins date back almost a century, recognizing a long and distinguished history in the service of peace and the people.