Press release about FDNU-UNYA

Paris, January 12, 2024 – The United Nations Association of France (UNA-France / AFNU), recognized as a public utility, has been informed of the creation in Paris, in November 2023, of an entity entitled “FDNU – Fédération pour la Diplomatie et les Nations unies – United Nations Youth Association” (FDNU-UNYA), which, according to the terms indicated on its website, “has the ambition to continue and expand the path traced by the Comité interuniversitaire des Nations unies de Paris (CINUP), but on a national level“.

In this respect, the FDNU is calling and contacting students, associations and speakers, usual partners of the AFNU. The FDNU mentions various projects (Centre d’études en diplomatie et relations extérieures, official media, France Model United Nations project).

UNA France wishes to emphasize to all its partners that FDNU-UNYA has received no mandate or authorization from UNA France, the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA) or the UN Information Centre (UNRIC) to use the terms “United Nations” and “United Nations Youth Association”.

UNA France has no partnership with FDNU-UNYA, nor does it intend to have any, and is totally dissociated from its activities.

Finally, UNA France would like to thank any person contacted by this organization who claims to have any partnership with UNA France for informing us.